VIA della MONTAGNA, 147 - 55054 QUIESA di MASSAROSA (LUCCA)

The Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci - ONLUS was created in the year 2006 in Lucca, to honor the memory of Prof. Silvestro Marcucci, who suddenly passed away in the evening of December 26th, 2005.

Prof. Silvestro Marcucci, prominent expert of Kant and the kantianism, has left a vast collection of monographies, manuscripts and notes. Of interest is also the correspondence with philosophers and researchers of known reputation of his times.

The Foundation seat in Quiesa

To avoid the lost of this vast cultural heritage and to make it available to all interested researchers, it has been decided to create this Foundation, located in Quiesa of Massarosa (Lucca), birth village of the Professor.

Upcoming Events

Monday, the 27th of May, beginning at 4:00PM, at the Auditorium of the Liceo Classico "N. Machiavelli", in Via degli Asili 35, Lucca, awards ceremony of the Certamen Kantianum - 5th edition, competition organized by the Fondazione Silvesto Marcucci, in collaboration with the Società Italiana di Studi Kantiani and the Lucca branch of the Società Filosofica Italiana. The winner are: Isabel Bianchi, Liceo Scientifico "A. Vallisneri" of Lucca, with La penitenza della coerenza for the second prize; Lorenzo Cardelli, Lorenzo Giacchini, Lorenzo Grassi, Tommaso Lorenzoni, Mattia Marchi, of the Liceo Scientifico "G. Galilei" - ISI di Castelnuovo Garfagnana (Lu), with Quod videtur?, third prize.

Available volums
At the library of the Foundation are available copies of volums of Silvestro Marcucci and other guest authors of the Series "La Ruota" (Lucca, Maria Pacini Fazzi).
The catalog is available at the following link.
For requests, you can get in touch with Dr. Silvia Marcucci
Telephon: +39 327 7058066