VIA della MONTAGNA, 147 - 55054 QUIESA di MASSAROSA (LUCCA)
Library of the "Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci - ONLUS"
Via della Montagna, 147
Quiesa di Massarosa (Lucca)
Contact person: Dott.ssa Silvia Marcucci
Telephone: +39 327 7058066


Art. 1 (Objectives and services)

The Library of the "Fondazione Silvestro Marcucci - ONLUS" preserves and makes available to researchers its original legacy of about 10.000 units, among which there are books, reviews, manuscripts and letters left by Prof. Marcucci. This legacy is going to grow in the future with possible donations from privates, Italian and foreign researchers.

The Library is an essential instrument for the research activity, especially in the philosophical field. The responsibility for the original legacy is of the Board of Directors of the Foundation.

The Library of the Foundation offers the following services:

a) reading at the Foundation's seat;

b) photocopying, within the meaning of article 5 of these regulations;

c) use of the computer resources available in the Library.

Art. 2 (Users of the Library)

Following people are allowed to enter the Library and use its resources:

a) professors, researchers, graduate students, and master degree students of any Italian or foreign university;

b) Italian and foreign researchers and other users, who need to use the bibliographic material in the Library.

Art. 3 (Admittance)

The bibliographic material is consultable by appointment. Users can contact the Responsible of the Library.

Users must show a valid identity document.

Art. 4 (Not freely consultable material)

Ancient books, manuscripts and letters cannot be freely consulted or photocopied.

It is possible to consult this material only after request to the librarian. The user is responsible for the material's integrity until its redelivery.

Art. 5 (Photocopies)

Users can ask the librarian to photocopy texts, respecting the limits imposed by copyright laws. It is not allowed to copy texts or material not belonging to the Library Legacy, nor not freely consultable material.

Users can make photographs only of the freely consultable material, but only after explicit request to the librarian.

Whoever does not respect these regulations, will be, temporarily or definitely, denied access to the Library, and will be requested to eventually pay possible damages.

Art. 6 (Code of conduct)

The admission to the rooms of the Library can take place only if civil rules are respected, as in any public studying place.

In particular, it is forbidden:

- to talk and study in a loud voice;

- to smoke;

- to take food or drinks;

- to use noisy instruments (for instance, cellular phones).

It is also forbidden:

- to disturb in any way the other users;

- to demage the books or to write marks or notes on them;

- to put back the books on the shelves without authorization of the librarian;

- to use the computer resources with any other goal but the consultation of the online catalogues; in particular it is absolutely forbidden to use email, to surf on the web with any other goal but the catalogue consultation and to change the configuration of the software and hardware available.

Whoever does not respect these rules will be temporarily or definitely denied access to the Library, and will be requested to eventually pay possible damages.

The staff will be available for users for any suggestions and indications on how the service can be improved.

Art. 7 (Rules to have access the Library)

It is forbidden to take into the Library bags, plastic bags, or any other kind of containers; these objects have to be left in the closet at the Library entrance.

The Library is not responsible for the personal objects and goods taken by users in the rooms or left in the drawers.

Users, who wish to introduce study material which is not of the Library, will have to show it to the staff, which will release an appropriate notifying card.

At the entrance users must show a valid identity document and fill in the registration book with their signature and the time of entrance; similarly, upon leaving they must sign and indicate the time of exiting from the Library.